Living descendants of pre-invasion inhabitants of lands now displaced, marginalized, peripheral, and othered. Having been living, surviving at the margins of the road, the Native Plant, now un-cosmetic is seen to be negatively altering its environment – vandalizing the sanctity of state-employed urban planning, now being labeled ‘Invasive’ as the scientific apparatus for classifying in-animate nature is employed by the state to classify its people. Through the allegory of Planting Native Plants at Road Dividers by throwing seedballs, I intend to look at this condition of ‘Otherness’, an alienating instrument perpetrated by the State, as the person’s non-conformity to and with the norms of society, places him or her at the margins, for being the ‘other’, While hoping that these Native/Invasive plants would grow to devour the non-native cosmetic plants employed by the state at the road dividers.